Sunday, March 16, 2014

New/Old Prints

A while ago my hard drive from college that had all of my everything on it bit the dust and I lost it all. All the images I had recently worked on and prepped for printing had to be worked from point A.
I finally had a chance to sit down and re-scan and work these images and send them out to get printed.

Let It Pour

Balance/ Flower Girl/ Dancer

I'm excited to have them in hand so I can continue to work on them with colored inks. They should be available on my Etsy page by the end of the month if not sooner.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Safety First

As I get older I struggle more and more with social anxiety and depression. These mental disorders run in my family and I have long suspected that I would have to deal with them as an adult. This is an illustration I did of an experience I recently had at a show I went to and the feelings elicited within me.

I call it 'Safety First' because the show was on a night Philadelphia & the East Coast was supposed to get a huge snow storm and we had driven down from Philly to Delaware hoping to outrun the storm on the way home. All the while I was at this show I thought how reckless these people were to be out while simultaneously acknowledging my own anxiety & the ridiculousness of feeling that this fun-loving crowd should just stay home for safety's sake. 

I was jealous, I wanted to join in, I wanted to be a part of the fun but I couldn't. My thoughts wouldn't allow me no matter how hard I tried to fake it. I saw myself with this silly garb on in the middle of the crowd, road cone hat and orange vest because, to me, I was a caution sign, I was saying to myself and everyone else (silently) "SLOW DOWN, you are freaking me out."

more after the jump.