Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bird Watcher & Samskrits 4 eva

All I can think about today is how I have to go out into the cold if I want to be even remotely productive and it's really bumming me out but also inspiring me with a sense of adventure. Like everyone else I have the resilient and sustaining cold that leaves my nasal passages completely dry but yet somehow still have so much yuck that I get to cough up in the morning...how does the yuck not at least lubricate?


In these trying winter times I have latched on to a number of projects and one of them is fledgling musical act  Bird Watcher. Spearheaded by Julian Booker and assisted by Jesse Soifer these two dudes are starting to put out some really great folk/indie/Americana and I'm happy to be their resident illustrator.

You can listen to them on bandcamp through the link above or the embedded tracks below.

the great west- ford the river!

happy house suite

I've just been going with my gut listening to the songs and then whatever comes to mind is what I draw. So far I'm pleased with the images but I also wish that I had time to plan out an elaborate scheme of an overall larger design and then each song or release being a part of the reveal of that larger design. I don't mind that right now they are sweet little inspired vignettes and it doesn't mean they can't be used to make a larger piece in the end. We'll see where it goes. Happy to have creative freedom and a great sounding board with Jesse and JJ.

I'll be posting more stuff for Bird Watcher later in the month when another of their releases drops so check back!

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